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Alloy is a comprehensive Rust-based toolkit designed for interfacing applications with Ethereum-compatible blockchains. It offers a full suite of tools, including JSON-RPC client implementations, smart contract interaction, and network abstraction layers, all optimized for high performance and robustness.

Alloy is a rewrite of ethers-rs from the ground up, with exciting new features, high performance, and excellent docs.


For more examples on using Alloy, see their official examples here.


To start using Alloy in your Rust project, add it to your Cargo.toml

alloy = { git = "" }


Next, you will need to configure your client with the desired network and transport layer.

// 1. Import necessary modules from Alloy.
use alloy::ProviderBuilder;
use alloy_network::Network;

// 2. Set up your provider to connect to Telos Mainnet
// to connect to Telos Tesnet use
let provider = ProviderBuilder::new().connect("").await?;

Reading Data

Once your provider is configured, you can easily make RPC calls to fetch data from the blockchain.

// Retrieve the latest block number.
let block_number = provider.get_block_number().await?;

Writing Data

To write data to the blockchain, configure a Wallet provider and specify an account for transactions.

use alloy::Wallet;
use alloy::ProviderBuilder;
use alloy_network::Ethereum;

let wallet = Wallet::new_from_private_key("your_private_key_here", &provider);
let signed_tx = wallet.send_transaction(tx_request).await?;

Interacting With Smart Contracts

Alloy facilitates interaction with smart contracts through simple and intuitive methods. Start by creating a Contract instance.

use alloy_contract::Contract;

let contract = Contract::new("contract_address_here", "contract_abi_here", &provider);

// Call a contract method.
let result = contract.method("methodName", (arg1, arg2)).call().await?;